Up Titles

Title design for Pixar’s Up by Janice Ahn. Colourful and playful with quantised colouring to give it a modern graphic feel.

Ikea – Stills

Model mock ups by Rural Lee for a film for IKEA. The film would have revealed a mini world inside each area of storage.

Gent: Scheppende Stad

Gent Scheppende Stad (Ghent Creative City) is an initiative of the city council of Ghent to (together with several creative forces/different sectors of society) look for solutions for the urban challenges, so they can shape the future of Ghent together.
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TWS Pitch

Pitched idea, coming from a reflective idea, emitting the images of sport off the dark black emerging cubes. By placing the sports footage in different 3D spaces the images reflected and combined on different surfaces.


I had two inspirations/influences behind this project. I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that history is sometimes if not always written by the winners, and that “every coin has 2 sides”; the second inspiration comes from stories told by my father and my grandmother.
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