Dave Penn directed this animation (along with Jellyfish and Sixfingers) for a six-part CNN documentary series concerned with what went on behind the scenes during key presidential campaigns in U.S. history. Sponge paint mattes provide nice transitions for cleverly laid out photographs.
Interesting tale with limited animation but with great visuals and lighting directed by W. Scott Forbes.
Solely text leads this short conveying facts about the American brewing industry. The nicely placed text and font choices manages to keep the interest.
Clever use of super-imposing and tracking for this advert. Using boxes to separate action and have elements interact between them in a rustic setting.
‘High School’ doodles animate in to provide a young naive feel to the hand-drawn titles.
3D animation matted on to a flat black texture to give a 2D imprinted look Continue Reading →
Classic title sequence using live action footage placed carefully with credit typography
Text and animation added together to form the speech without any photos or footage.