The Grand National

John Allison and Chris Bovill, Creative Directors of 4creative where the drivers behind the 45 hours of footage, shot over two days using 44 cameras and a cast and crew of almost 300 people, including race and stunt horses and jockeys to achieve the ambitious final film.

ABC of Architects

Very much has the feeling of an old 50’s animation. Concept and Animation: Andrea Stinga, Federico Gonzalez.


A Short Animation Inspired by the Works of İlhan Koman with video and sound design by Candas Sisman. Its quite hypnotic once it gets going.

Meet our Airline

More infographics from Binalogue presenting the airline’s demographics.

British Council

Nice little infographic animation from Binalogue on the launch of the British Council’s social media strategy pack.

Electronic recycling

A mad conveyor belt animation from Tendril, Toronto.

OFFF 2013 Cincinatti

Beautiful abstract film celebrating the OFFF festival of design, photography and motion

The American Beer Revival

Solely text leads this short conveying facts about the American brewing industry. The nicely placed text and font choices manages to keep the interest.

Wide Sky

A lesson in transitions here, using 2D motion graphics composited and interacting with 3D elements for a trailer for an arcade game app.

Don’t Worry, Drive On: Fossil Fuels & Fracking Lies

An info-graphic film but holds very little statistics in terms of text and numbers, mostly relying on transition graphic imagery to convey the details.

Open Text

Another great infographics commercial very well executed from Tendril in Toronto.

Planet IFE

A great little promotional video from Binalogue, relating the pleasures of Planet IFE an inflight entertainment & advertising company.