
Painted transitions and frames create artistic transitions for Underground, the new WGN America series. Done by Imaginary Forces.

Lincoln Continental Concept

Artistic brush strokes combined with precision lines give an impressive creative feel to this car advert. Made by Block and Tackle with a good “how it was done” interview on Motionographer.


Nata Metlukh creates a hand-drawn short, morphing through different perspectives in colourful city environments.

White Out

Hand drawn, inked and painted frame-by-frame, there is no digital cheating here. Over 2000 rotoscoped paintings on a variety of paper surfaces make Jeff Sher’s winter animation.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Animation for the opening of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang starring Robert Downey Jnr. The titles use simple mattes and strokes to create an old painted effect, with more focus on the style rather than the animation.

Robin Hood opening sequence

Titles for Robin hood mixing traditional painterly techniques with a modern twist.