Change Makers

Commissioned by the Dutch NGO RNW Media, Change Makers is an animation film about those young women and men who live in fragile or repressive states, usually going through civil unrest and conflict.
These young people often represent the majority of their countrys population, yet they’re ignored and denied crucial information and services.

At least what I think

A personal project from Nas Alhusain detailing her observations on creativity.

Man Meets Woman

A personal project from Terrence Ginja Martinho based on the book “Man Meets Woman.”

Intel "Hype"

Production Co: Hornet
Director: Ege Soyuer
Executive Producer: Hana Shimizu
Head of Production: Sang-Jin Bae
Development Producer: Kristin Labriola
Producer: Niki DiCesare
Editor: Stephanie Andreou
Storyboard Artist: Ege Soyuer
Designer: Ege Soyuer, Austin Herman

Travel Channel Travellers Etiquette 1/5 – Interaction

A series of interstitials on the do’s and definitely do nots of travelling the world. Some quirky 2d character animation from Picnic studios

Oreo – Creation Contest – Directors Cut

Some playful hand drawn animations over live action from Gentleman Scholar.

Sophie Has a Biopsy

Created by Simon Tibbs
Client: Sandoz
Produced: Media Nerd
Sound: Media Nerd

Smart Save

A characterful explainer from Simon Tibbs integrating dynamic 3d coins into a quirky 2d world.

The New York Times – The Interpreter

Some playful, characterful cutout animation from Blink my Brain.

Natwest – Tomorrow Starts Today

Some nice hand drawn kinetic typography from Simon Tibbs
Client: RBS
Agency: Sapient Razorfish
Role: Animation & Illustration
Sound: OBR Studios