Ayrton Senna Institute

A brilliantly animated tale of F1 driver Senna, from Sao Paulo studio Le Cube. The film is meant as a piece of encouragement for fellow Brazillian athletes competing in this years Olympics.


A scary futuristic vision of how augmented reality could influence our lives perhaps? Created by Keiichi Matsuda.

Coldplay 'Up & Up'

A great montage juxapositioning unusual images using a lot of old archive footage. Directed by: Vania Heymann and Gal Muggia

Organic Machines

Beautifully crafted  title sequence by Beijing visual designer Zaoeyo (aka Xiaolin Zeng, aka Mike Zeng) detailing insects constructed with glassy, organic materials.

Nespresso Mobile app

Another great piece from Quentin Baillieux (Parallel) with animation from Florent Remize. There’s a very continental retro styling here similar to the Pernod advert also on Sketchpad.

Charles X – Can You Do it

A mix of 2D and 3D animation in this stylish music video. Animation by Brunch & amazing Cinematography.


So this is how they make Swiss/Italian watches! A really nice animation playing on scale from Parallel. Also a great piece of sound design from Alexandre Poirier which really adds to the whole atmosphere.